Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Inner Parent, Adult, and Child

Every girl (in fact every human) is made up of three personality parts.
Most human frustration comes from the failure to understand that fact.

If you’ve ever said, thought or had somebody say of you:

“I can’t understand why I keep getting into relationships like that…”
“You’re crazy bitch”
Even (with apologies to Toad), “I can’t understand what I did last night…”

It was probably because you didn’t understand two very basic sets of facts about how the human mind works. In the next few weeks, we're going to explain them in plain, clear, language...

The first Fact - Parent Adult and Child

Not everyone wants to learn how to understand other people and themselves...

You can curse. You can say "girls are crazy" or "boys are stupid." But if you want to be a good Master (or a good person) you can stop, breathe, and understand about a half dozen facts that aren’t rocket science and will ring true.

Why doesn’t everybody talk about these things all the time. Well there are a lot of reasons. One is that despite living in an advertising driven economy, where knowing how people think is next to gold, our schools and even our peers are very reluctant to talk about what makes people think the way they do. I think there are two basic reasons for this:

a) We’d rather think it’s all someone else’s fault and we’re fine – goes double for aspiring Dominants
b) We fear that to know all is forgive all, and we don’t necessarily want to forgive all…(see a)

You can use a lot of models to understand why people think the way they do. I’m going to teach you the one that is most useful for general purpose, quick understandings of the darker and harder parts of the human personality. It may sound a little complex, but it’s all just simple stuff we all understand and I’m going to make it easy. Ten minutes of understanding these concepts will get you a long way.

If you find this interesting, my girl miranda did a very good writeup on PAC a while back that I strongly recommend.

A Little History about PAC

I'm admit always a little chagrined to haul out Eric Berne's Parent-Adult-Child Model of Personality, because as "Transactional Analysis," it's gotten quite a bit of shit in the past thirty years as being very hippyish and hokey..the late Warren Zevon enshrined the social mockery of T/A as faddish and upper class in his song “Gorilla You’re a Desperado.” Still, like many things that got overblown, it was popular because it made sense and there was some truth in it. The classic music of tomorrow is getting overplayed today.

I was introduced to Eric Berne’s theories many years ago by a friend who was working on a Master’s Degree in Psychology. I largely forgot the details, though it is clear that I assimilated them well enough to make them part of my own personal instinctual understanding and modeling of people.

Berne created a really practical tool that almost anyone can use to hold their personality up and see the shit that is hurting them in their life. I think you can take it too dogmatically, and there's been no end of push to de-popularize it and make it obscure again, but in the end, it's a good simple model for understanding what goes on in people's heads.

The Parent-Adult-Child Model

You may already be familiar with the basic model in Berne's work. It's not too dissimilar to Freud, just different enough that it makes more sense.

The Psyche has three parts:

The Child - everything we feel emotionally. All wants and needs. The only area where this gets weird is that "Child" is a generic term for the self-oriented part of the mind...the part that just wants. So sex is a Child function, because it ties in to hunger for touch, intimacy, stimulus. The Child has two parts

Rebellious Child - "I hate you all, I don't wanna"
Compliant Child - Service, wanting to please

The Parent - everything you've ever been taught to believe. The Parent is "wear your coat," and "nice girls don't do that." And if conflicting adults teach you conflicted things they all go in there. The parent isn't critical and doesn't sort things out. People get fucked up when one thing in their Parent conflicts with another. Bioparents, Guardians, Schoolteachers, Religious Figures, Television, and Older Siblings fill up the Parent. In a later post we're going to talk about what happens when the parent gets severely fucked up, such as ending up with a message that "pleasing men through sex is the only way to have any value whatsoever," or "nothing about sex is good, all sex is abuse."

The parent is responsible for the dangerous myth of a conscience, or that “still small voice” that tells us good from bad. That voice is not common to all humans, and it is why an Afghan may blow you up and a Korowai may eat you, and both sleep very soundly after the fact. Some things are pretty common to most people, so they happen to be in most people’s parent…”thou shalt not kill.” But they exist because they were put there by repetition, not because they are intrinsic to human beings.

The parent forms until about age 8, then from age 8-14, there is a “sealing off” process in which the Mind begins to become more rigid, and information cannot enter the parent as readily.
The Parent has two parts
Nurturing Parent - make sure to wear a's cold outside...
Critical Parent - how could you behave like that...good girls (boys) don't!

The Adult - The Adult is "You." The more you think in ways that aren't based either on kneejerk acceptance of what your parents/elders told you, or simple response to emotions "I wanna piece of cake," the stronger your parent...your "self" is.

Neither the parent nor child think analytically. One acts on basic instincts "I am horny," the other acts on things they have been told "only dirty girls feel horny." The adult gets to sort the mess out. Unfortunately the Adult is often overwhelmed. About half the people you see around you are going through life just listening to their Parents. A smaller minority never outgrow acting entirely from their child. Most end up a tug-of-war between the two, living in a war torn country being periodically ravaged by powers they don't understand.

PAC and Training

While there are a few people who are self-assured, know exactly what they want out of life, and know how to get it, who are drawn to D/s and M/s, the vast majority or not. Even the very strong willed candidate often talks about a lack of focus…they don’t know what they want to do with themselves. Others have a lack of self control that keeps them from getting the things they want an seek a Dominant knowing that they need “discipline.”

The typical 20ish female candidate is caught in a series of emotionally painful spirals between the desires of the Child (which have usually been repressed, overindulged, or both) and the lessons of the Critical Parent which carry all the neuroses and defense mechanisms of the Parents.

In past eras it is probable that the child was heavily repressed, giving us the “repressed” general sensibilities of the Victorian Era, and the dour faces of Grant Wood’s American Gothic, but most trainees you will encounter were not raised that way.

The culture of dour privation is rare. The child of a fucked up alcoholic may have been subjected to tremendous emotional repression through fear of rage or punishment, yet also have been given sporadic gifts, or left largely unsupervised to engage in childhood fantasy. Emotional abuse may have been “bought off” producing a child who is both spoiled, and scared.

I can only imagine that most male submissives who seek a Mistress must have similar core problems, though I will comment that our society gives more conflicted messages to young women than to young men, resulting in…in my opinion…a more fucked up parent.

Young Men are told pretty uniformly that they need to get jobs, be breadwinners, be good at sports and sex, get a good girl, and reproduce. Young Women are told that they need to be astronauts and achievers, but are also still presented with a lot of role models and fiction that suggest they exist to make babies and be a helpmate. The existence of a transition culture is probably beneficial to the human endeavor, but means that modern young girls find themselves at the center of a storm of conflicting demands.

Next we’ll discuss some specific paths to applying PAC to Training, and the situations one is likely to find…

Friday, July 16, 2010

Inside the Barn...

The last few weeks have been busy, filled with good people and learning new things, and included some real high points for me. I don't normally share contemporary events, but my most recent adventure deserved an entry.

We were lucky enough to be invited by Sister Dee to the site in up in N___________, where she, PD, and others make video.

If you're not familiar with these people, they're, in various combinations, a decent chunk of the history of modern fetish video.

With the Mummy Cage

When I was in my twenties, and early 30s, I never really liked porn that much, and I absolutely had no interest in fetish video. Oh sure...I watched a few videos. They looked nothing like real kink, they were posed, and looked exactly like a bunch of people who know nothing about kink trying to pretend that they did. They were an enormous turnoff.

But while I was sleeping, the industry was somewhat revolutionized, and PD's Insex was really the tremendous leader in that. Wikipedia, that repository of all things of importance, sums it up better than I can:

Insex was one of the biggest BDSM pornographic websites on the Internet and arguably the most extreme American pornographic production featuring female submissives. It was also a leading innovator in both live video streaming, pioneering the concept before broadband Internet access existed, and in the depiction of BDSM practices on the Internet

To me, this generation of work brough a psychological and "real" element to the videos that I had never seen in lame 1990s porn. It was fascinating and gripping even if I did blunder onto it a little late because I was convinced that "most kink porn sucks." PD is a former Professor, and speaks intelligently and coherently on the subject. Watching him talk through a former shoot where he worked with a young Princess Donna, you could see both his love for the art, the extreme intelligence he brought to that work, and...a strong sense of proportion and realism about the content.

I should add that other than the graciousness that any guest owes a kind and generous host, I have no connection financial or otherwise to the sites that currently host these talented people and their work, including Infernal-Resstraints and which I've mentioned here before. But their work is good and legitimate and my recommendation is genuine.

At any rate, it was a fun vacation adventure. We took the whole household along, and the chance
to play on some high end toys, as well as enjoy good food and good company was a huge amount of fun.

Daniel, who handles a lot of the technical work, was present with his two wonderful girls, but was also kind enough along with Dee to prep two various pieces of equipment which exceeded our level of complexity. The first was the iron mummy case, which is lowered into a dark hole in the floor. It is...utterly immobilizing, though I can say hauling it up and down by the chain was...a workout. We dropped Jenn into a the dark, and left her there for a while, hanging immobile.

S_____ got to try out a new fucking machine, a one-off by a guy who works or worked for NASA and cost about 5k. It had a magnetic drive, with a set of toggles which could alter the waveform of the stroke to change the effect. At maximum power it shook the floor of the barn for a good number of feet in every direction. Definitely far more creative than your standard Sybian.

miranda was tied up thoroughly by jenn and other friends and placed on an inversion table. Dee told us afterwards we'd taken its cherry...unpainted, it had never been used in a shoot before. It worked pretty well aside from the fact that having been manufactured back in the dark ages, it had no stop after it ran out of gear teeth, and had a tendency to flip the person on it nearly vertical if you missed the last tooth. That said, it was certainly a sturdy affair and miranda was quite blissed out.

Our other big adventure was the water tank. You may recognize this rather elaborate piece of scenery made by metalsmith KGB from the videos. PD was kind enough to allow us to fill it, and let me drown jenn in it. Well, perhaps drown is a bit too strong a word. The water was cold (apparently if the whole thing is filled with warm water it tends to blow out fuses on the water heater), so miranda lashed jenn to a heavy iron grate and sank her in water over her head. She wasn't kept down for too long (we were given some safety suggestions), but...there is something to be said for lowering a human being into water over their head attached to a massive iron object. Later one of the other guests was immersed in what was probably a more practical way, but for sheer gothic elegance I think I preferred our experiment.

There were other guests of course and we saw some very impressive play but...those aren't my stories to tell. I was appreciative of K_______ who put his pretty girl O______ into the hole, an allowed us to use her as a public urinal before dinner. At the risk of a slight misquote of PD "it's pretty perverse to buy a half million dollar farm just so you can dig a hole in the ground, put a girl in it and piss on her."

Of guests whose names are public enough to bear mention, we were fortunate to have 412, and Marina. Marina had come up early for a shoot that is already posted and took place over the next couple of days. (search down for July July 7, 2010)

I was stunned by the real variety of sinister devices and bits of previous sinister devices. In a way, I think I am permanetly ruined. I never understood quite what it would be like to be a child and get a ticket to Willy Wonka's factory, but I think I have a better appreciation of it now. Of course given Roald Dahl's "My Uncle Oswald" stories, he might have preferred my weekend to a chocolate factory. Still, returning to real-life, where there are not naked girls bolted in cages above the doors, has never been more difficult.

It was an impressive event, as much for the caliber of conversation and the ideas thrown out by the other people present as what I did. It was a learning experience for me, and an honor to be surrounded by people who were so knowledgeable and talented...both the residents, and our fellow guests. Everyone in my household did a tremendous job and pushed personal limits and speaking as someone not easily impressed it was a truly impressive experience.

a few more I want to redo my backyard...

Beside the big tank

In front of the big tank

Cage over the Barn Door
Cage in the Wall

Cages in the back of the barn

The big tank...nearly full

The big tank mostly full

The Hole

The hole

The Backyard...

Back of the barn - general

A very clever gag, built into the barn wall

Clever mounting for a gag...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Call for Submissions - Humiliation Anthology

I've posted this to Fet and several other places.  Please circulate it as far and wide as you please, I'd appreciate any signal boost, or link back here.

I Want You To Make me Feel Like Shit: Girls and Humiliation

Initial deadline for submissions January 17, 2011

We are looking for intelligent and reflective fiction and nonfiction writing about humiliation play involving women, with an emphasis on experiences in the 18-35 age range.  Our focus is on straight gender, but we will considersubmissions from anyone presenting as female.

Our stated goal is to develop a collection of work on Humiliation that is accessible to anyone seeking to understand Humiliation needs, whether because they experience these needs themselves or because they have encountered someone who expresses these needs and they seek context for understanding.  We are not primarily looking to write a guide to play, but a guide to understanding the needs or urges underlying play.  This is intended to be a look at the needs and the psychology underlying them, which provides validation to individuals who have similar needs.  We want to avoid painting a "happy rosy picture" and present a realistic view that readers can relate to. 

It is our hope to create a work which makes Humiliation a better understood and more accessible kink, while allowing those who crave humiliation to understand it better, and feel less alone and "unacceptable."



Humiliation fantasies or real-life humiliation experiences of women 18-35. Please specify if the submission is real-life experience, semi-fictional, or fictional.    There is a strong preference for female authors - the focus is women writing about their own experiences.

Micro Length - Experiences (100 words or less)

Flash Length (100-1000 words)

Short Story Length - short stories (1,000 - 7,500 words) - Please include a short author's biography of 500 words or less with a focus on your interest and background in humiliation.


Nonfiction Essays (2,000 - 12,000 words) -  from male or female, Dominant or Submissive authors presenting viewpoints and analysis on the psychology of Humiliation play.  We are not looking primarily for "how to" Essays, or details of scenes that worked well, but for essays that investigate the mindset of young women who express a "need" for humiliation play, including personality models and analysis and discussion or breakdown of types of humiliation play


James Gordon

MS-Word or RTF files
No submissions by mail


Deadline is January 17, 2011


for work accepted on or after January 17, 2011:

We pay $2.00 for selected micro-fiction and $5.00 for selected Flash Fiction

.5 cents per word or two author copies for fiction and 1 cent per word or four author copies for Essays up to the stated length.

We will negotiate for work of merit which has previously been published online


Will be handled privately or through an existing small press.